Tuesday 6 July 2010

Bradley Macmath

Brad Macmath is a graffiti artist from Bristol. With the use of spray paint he creates the most magnificent cityscapes, detailed and vivid in colour. His current work is a visual response to time spent as a tourist in Tokyo, Japan. With these paintings he has managed to capture the layered feel of the city and its overwhelming appearance by using a range of painting techniques. Brad encourages his works to have this feel of multiple different elements combining to create something new, much like the structural makeup of the city itself. Recently he has been studying the collectibles culture, centred on computer games and animation merchandise which is very popular in Japan and is something which saturates the media. Brad is receiving massive commercial success all over the world paving the way for many graffiti artist but more importantly by utilizing his ‘aerosol routes’ he is now taken seriously within the art world as a master craftsman.


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